Lake County Visitors Bureau Brochures

LFC Comments by Brian Massie:

We met with Commissioner Ron Young and representatives of the Visitors Bureau to discuss their status as a public body. They still refuse to be subject to the Ohio’s Sunshine Laws. I told them that I will pursue our efforts with the Court of Claims.

However, they did say that they will hold a second public meeting during the year, and I said that we will help their efforts to promote “Remarkable Lake County”. We will mention their very professional looking brochures at each meeting we attend, and provide articles that promote their activities. Our goal is complete transparency for all entities that receive taxpayer money, but at the same time ensuring that Lake County residents and businesses prosper.

Stay tuned for an article on the response from the Court of Claims.

From the office of Neil Stein – Executive Director of the Lake County Visitors Bureau

Folks can get a free Visitor’s Guide from our offices, they’re available at numerous attractions and businesses around the county or they can request one online here and we’ll drop one in the mail:

We also have a digital version available online as well:

We appreciate you sharing this, and we always have them available in our offices if anyone wants one. We even put a magazine rack in the entrance to the new County building today and they’re available there as well.


Categories: Lake, Ohio Counties, Uncategorized


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