New blood is needed on Willoughby Hills council…Armen Tovmasyan is a candidate

LFC Comments: It is great to see the younger generation getting involved in local politics. Here is a candidate for Willoughby Hills City Council.


Armen Tovmasyan is running for Willoughby Hills Councilman

Being a resident of Willoughby Hills for 21 years has certainly taught me a few things. Tax dollars are often wasted, and the ever-increasing property taxes will price seniors and those living on fixed incomes out of their homes that they have worked all their lives to achieve.

If elected for the Council-At-Large position, I will do my best to reduce the burdens placed on each household in Willoughby Hills by the local government. I would like to reduce property taxes for both residences and businesses, by cutting the unnecessary spending in our city. I will also ensure that all city employees are abiding by the laws of our great city.

Medical freedom is also a major concern of mine, I will champion each citizen’s and business’ right to choose how they govern themselves while acting within the confines of the law. Mandates by government are anti-American, and I will not support this government overreach.

I get the opportunity to see our country through a lens not available to many Americans. My family fled from the Soviet Union, a land of communism and oppression, to the United States of America, a land of a free and prosperous people. As a first-generation American to our great country, I’ve grown to truly cherish the freedoms and liberties that have been endowed upon us.

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights provide citizens the opportunity to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. We must never forget those that have come before us, and made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy our freedom and liberty. These rights are guaranteed federally, but preserved locally. I want to be elected to take my turn as a “watchmen on the wall guarding the gate”.

Vote Freedom

Vote Tovmasyan

God Bless America!


Categories: Local News, Uncategorized

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