Ohio and Lake County’s Aging Population

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Executive Director

We would like to confirm that Lake County’s population is not getting any younger with the following exhibits.


[Attribution: Kunkel, S. R., Mehri, N., Wilson, T. L., & Nelson, I. M. (2019). Projections and Characteristics of the 65+ Population in Lake County, Ohio. Oxford, OH: Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University.
Available at www.ohio-population.org]

Projections and Characteristics
of the 65+ Population
in Lake County



From the following website, we confirm that the 2021 census reported that Lake County’s population was 20.6% over 65 years of age.



Many seniors are going to need significant assistance with our ever-increasing property taxes.

More articles will be forthcoming on this subject.




Categories: Lake, Real Estate Taxes


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