Federal Reserve & Big Banks Destroy the Middle Class…updated 2/5/22

The Federal Reserve’s 95 Trillion Give Away To Big Banks Is Designed to Destroy the Middle Class

by Esther David / January 31, 2022 / Updated 2/5/22

We often blame inflation on Federal spending.  However, recent developments have laid bare that the Federal Reserve has been secretly creating vast sums of money, exceeding the federal budget of $6 trillion, and then giving it to its friends—mostly the same large banks that we bailed out in in 2008, plus BlackRock, foreign banks, Germany, Japan, France, and the U.K.   

This began in 2019 just before Covid19 conveniently disrupted the nation’s attention.  Glenn Beck now explains that actually the FED began giving away 1 Trillion dollars per week!  95 weeks have passed.  So, we are now talking about 95 trillion given away since 2019!  The give away is actually much bigger than this but better understood by listening to Glenn Beck explain….

Please watch Glenn Beck show segment around minute 17:

Fed head Jerome Powell originally cautioned that growing inflation was merely “transitory”.  There is now good reason to believe that we will see double digit inflation, family and business bankruptcy, and rising taxes as local governments (like everyone else) struggle to keep up with rising costs.  We all will pay for their theft.   And, it is insider theft.   For instance, according to Glenn Beck, Citibank received 2.5 trillion while also “co-owning” the Federal Reserve.   Attorney Ellen Brown argues that BlackRock, which manages the FED’s asset purchases, also used its access to the FED to get bailed out.

Glenn Beck gets the endgame of all this.  It is the Great Reset and a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) operated by the Federal Reserve.   The Great Reset is a plan laid out by the World Economic Forum at what is commonly referred to as “Davos’ because WEF meetings are regularly held in Davos, Switzerland.  The Great Reset is a plan to control and change every aspect of our lives.  Literally, it offers a plan for everything from childhood education to water use.  And, because it is promoted by many world leaders like Prince Charles, central banks, and virtually all large publicly traded corporations, it must be taken seriously.  

However, most Great Reset proposals are an anathema to people.  For instance, Great Reset advocates have explicitly advertised that “You will own nothing and be happy” in advertisements like this one.   Please watch this World Economic Forum advertisement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zUjsEaKbkM 

So, the question is, if we all own nothing, who gets to own everything? 

The answer will be that the FED and other central banks (like the ECB, IMF and BIS), the large corporations, and their billionaire friends will own everything.   Massive inflation will cause defaults.  When you go bankrupt, or your local businesses and small banks go bankrupt, then the largest banks will be ready to claim legal title to all property.  The largest banks (Citibank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, as well as BlackRock) have all received bailout monies.  Thus, they are financially whole and in a position to survive, so when everyone else goes down, all real property will fall into their hands.  

Don’t believe it?  Well “disaster capitalism” has already started…. Covid lockdowns allowed large companies like Walmart and Target to stay open.  Meanwhile, smaller retail competitors were deemed “nonessential” and were shut down.  As businesses were being bankrupted, the FED has been giving money to BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager.  BlackRock then purchases both bankrupt businesses and houses at 30-50% above asking price.   

The latter might seem great for sellers, but it places homes out of the reach of actual people, especially young couples, and helps create a nation of renters.  Remember, “You will own nothing” means that you will rent, while the Lords of the Manor own everything.  The FED has decided that as individuals, businesses, and local and state governments go bankrupt, it will become the lender of last resort, lending to a cartel of politically-connected large corporations who will own and run everything.  

BlackRock’s role in all this deserves special attention.   BlackRock crafted a financial bailout plan for Wall Street Repo market losses in a paper called, “Going Direct.” The plan was rolled out in August 2019 at the G7 summit of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.   Then on September 17, 2019, the U.S. Federal Reserve would implement BlackRock’s “Going Direct” model with an emergency repo loan bailout program, making hundreds of billions of dollars a week in so-called “loans” (but in reality gifts) by “going direct” to the trading houses on Wall Street.   Covid then provided a huge distraction to the fleecing of America. 

The FED is now betting that they can cage us inside of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), sometimes referred to as “FED Coin” before we figure out this huge con, or the Great Reset’s many obnoxious proposals.  They figure that before we can imprison them, they should imprison us—electronically.

However, what the FED giveth it can also taketh away.  It is not hard to imagine that the FED would directly withdraw taxes and maybe even withhold money from those states that do not play ball.  Your local bank would not act as a shield, because once the FED creates all money, and tracks all deposits and withdrawals, there is no need for local banks to exist. The FED would be King.   Attorney John Titus shows key top (FED connected) bankers, explaining in their own words, their desire for totalitarianism and control of every dollar you spend.   

Fed Coin would quickly become a total control grid.  Imagine that the government decides that it wants to limit both gasoline use and alcohol consumption.  It uses GPS technology to draw a 5-mile radius around your house and states that you can’t drive outside that 5-mile radius.  One day you decide that you want 2 bottles of your favorite wine from a specialty shop.  You arrive at the store 6 miles from home, but find that your money has been “turned off” because you have driven too far, or you learn that you can only purchase one bottle of wine (not two) because you have exceeded how many bottles of wine the government allows you to buy.  

Central Bank Digital Currencies are often confused with crypto currencies.  Both are built on blockchain technology.  However, CBDC is fully programmable money and, unlike crypto-currencies, CBDC is centralized and not transparent.  Most crypto-currencies are decentralized and impossible for any one person or group (like the FED) to control.

Indeed, cryto-currencies are part of the solution to our problems.  Realizing this, Steve Bannon has been promoting the use of “$FJB coin”.  He argues that the $FJB coin provides a currency refuge and independence so that no longer can they “get rid of the good people like the Chinese communist do.”   Steve Bannon explains:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/steve-bannon-boris-epshteyn-announce-strategic-ownership-positions-fjb-coin-blockchain-project/

Similarly, the nation of El Salvador is looking to Bitcoin as a safe haven.  El Salvador had been using the U.S. dollar as their legal tender.  Once they realized that the dollar’s purchasing power was being destroyed, via FED electronic money printing, they diversified to make Bitcoin legal tender.  In El Salvador you can pay your taxes, groceries, and house note all in Bitcoin.  

The states of Wyoming and Texas are moving in a similar direction.  Wyoming is promoting Bitcoin banking. https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2020/10/26/why-wyomings-governor-supports-the-states-crypto-banking-law/

Texas has created a state depository that accepts silver, gold, and Bitcoin. 

West Virginia’s State Treasurer has moved all of its pension funds out of BlackRock, and seeks to move funds out of all the largest banks that are the driving force behind the Great Reset, ESG scoring, and are de-banking the fossil fuels industry. 

It is not hard to see that Texas has maneuvered to restore the 10th amendment and is making itself independent of the Fed, once a full blown currency crisis hits along with a credit crunch and bank closures.  At the very least, Texas will be able to retain its autonomy while other states grovel at the Fed’s door for financial relief in exchange for compliance with Great Reset goals.  (I would posit that this is why governors, like Mike DeWine of Ohio, went along with lockdowns long after the initial promise of two weeks.  Great Reset disaster capitalism was the game plan from the get-go.   In exchange for lockdown compliance, Ohio got two Intel plants near Columbus to enhance the Governor’s re-election bid.  The price paid was the bankrupting of countless independent small businesses that can’t be controlled directly by Wall Street.)

The International Monetary Fund, however, recently demanded that El Salvador stop using Bitcoin.  It would not surprise me to see the CIA attempt to install a puppet president to control El Salvador.  Here at home, our puppet President has already created a committee to study crypto regulation and is expected to issue an anti-crypto executive order in February.  

Bitcoin’s dollar price dropped in response to this news.  If, however, Bitcoin’s market were larger, its price would also be less vulnerable to such wide swings.  Other cryptos cope with volatility by issuing “stable coins”.  El Salvador, however, responded to the Bitcoin price drop and IMF threats, by doing what any good investor says to do, “buy the dips”.  El Salvador purchased $500 million in Bitcoin.  El Salvador leadership then partnered with Tech companies to create a “Bitcoin City”. 

The U.S. government is framing crypto-currencies as a threat to national security, when in fact it is a threat to the Federal Reserve’s inflationary behavior, graft, and corruption, which are the real threat to both our freedoms and security.  El Salvador’s move is no different than a person deciding to hedge against crisis by buying gold and silver.  Their leadership is visionary where our leadership is predatory—and we are the prey.  The question remains, now that massive inflation is here and the dollar’s demise grows nearer, will our local leaders take steps to protect us from enslavement?  

There is much that can be done.  The previous Ohio Treasurer, Josh Mandel, was accepting Bitcoin as payment.  The current Treasurer—Robert Sprague— got rid of that provision because, he said, only 10 people in the state had actually used that payment option.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Mandel

But, that was years ago, and the time is now ripe for people to pay in silver, gold, and cryptos.  Why not create a state depository like Texas?  Have that state depository start preparing to function as a state bank—like North Dakota’s—in the event of a currency crisis.  https://ilsr.org/rule/bank-of-north-dakota-2/

North Dakota responded over 100 years ago to distressed farmers unable to obtain credit by starting a state public bank that could extend loans to farmers in order to make sure that food production continued.  Where other states residents starved, North Dakota flourished.  We all can too.

Finally, it is important to remember that when the Federal Reserve creates money, it does so through no real effort, but only as an accounting entry.  Meanwhile, people will lose the equity in their homes or businesses, money that they earned via hard work.  Additionally, when the FED creates money, it is with zero risk to its member banks—those large banks that got trillions gifted to them to cover their gambling losses in a casino they created called the derivatives (REPO) market.  They are never left on the hook to repay—you are.  Where once most Treasury Bills (bonds) were sold on the open market, today no one wants to buy them so the FED creates electronic money with one hand just to purchase bonds with the other hand.  Again, we are left on the hook to make good on those bonds (debt).  This is immoral.

There are solutions; but first we must realize that the FED’s member banks are predators and we are the prey. Fixing this demands that we nationalize those banks and confiscate their assets to undo some of their damage.  It also demands that we revisit foreclosure and bankruptcy laws, which are written by bank lobbyists to favor creditors.


Categories: Free Speech Zone, Uncategorized


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