Article V Convention of State – a bad idea

LFC Comments by Brian Massie / May 25, 2022

We would like to thank Kathy Johnson of Geauga County and Dave Black of Lake County for sending us this information about the proposed Convention of the States. It is disturbing to realize that although Article V of our federal Constitution permits a Convention of States to amend the Constitution, it could ultimately destroy the very document it was meant to protect and defend.

This is an extremely important issue that has the potential for changing the very fabric of our Constitutional Republic. The question for me is: “Do we TRUST our current politicians to defend our Constitution, or will they be like the earlier politicians that scrapped the Articles of Confederation when they met to only amend it?”

The following pocket guide was prepared by Mark Meckler. Who is he?

Here is Kathy Johnson’s written testimony sent to the Ohio Senate Committee:

Here is the website for the video to the State of Ohio Senate meeting on the Convention of States: [start at 20:40]

Mr. Dave Black of Lake County testifies at the 1:57:34 mark. It is interesting to note that Senator Cirino, Mr. Black’s senator, left just before Mr. Black starting speaking.

Really, really bad form Senator Cirino! You continue to solidify our belief that you are not interested in the average citizen. Is it true that you wanted to be a senator after one term as Commissioner because “you liked the sound of Senator Cirino”? You kick the average citizen out of meetings for no reason, and now you do not even care to hear what your constituent has to say. Oh yea, you are a real “man of the people”!



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Categories: Lake County - General, State of Ohio, Uncategorized

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