Dr. Simone Gold Sentenced to 60 Days in a Federal Prison

I have been sentenced to 60 days in a Federal Prison.

As you know, January 6, 2021, started with my plan to speak at a rally with President Donald Trump. When that was canceled, a large crowd swept into the Capitol building after the doors were opened from the inside.

Peacefully, I delivered my remarks peacefully from the Capitol rotunda.

I am a victim of selective prosecution. I am being legally attacked for speaking the truth about COVID-19 and vaccines.

I remain committed to activism for physicians’ free speech. As George Washington said, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

Dr. Gold delivering prepared remarks at U.S. Capitol while police officer casually looks on.
For over two years now, We the People have been under attack. Our Constitutional rights have been chipped away. The First Amendment has been annihilated. Before 2020, we could have never imagined the government of our democracy stripping away our rights as it has. We have watched the Orwellian scene from a corrupt government unfold before our eyes.I have personally funded my legal defense and not one dollar from AFLDS has been spent on my attorneys. 

However, we must continue AFLDS’ mission and keep fighting for Constitutional principles!

We have been shadow banned, censored, threatened, and arrested for speaking the truth. I keep fighting so you can make informed medical decisions for yourself and your family.

If you can, please become a monthly donor of $25, $50, $75, or $100 today to support the mission and work of America’s Frontline Doctor’s (AFLDS) today. 

We need you to stand with us!

Otherwise, urgently make a one-time donation right now. $100, $250, or even $1000, $5000 and above. This is the time to take a stand!

For Liberty,
Simone Gold Signature



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