Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist
This article from the Defender about staggering decline in public education test scores is in line with what we have discovered about Lake County schools.
Interestingly, they said that a 10 point decrease is considered equivalent to about a year of learning. And when you start at an overall 75% proficiency, a 10% drop means you are FAILING!
Excerpts from the article:
- The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), often referred to as the “nation’s report card,” tests fourth and eighth graders across the U.S. to measure student achievement.
- The results are in from the 2022 NAEP Mathematics Assessment, which was last given in 2019, before the pandemic.
- The results show a staggering decline in test scores — the largest drop in mathematics scores seen since the initial assessments were given in 1990.
- Among eighth graders, the average math score decreased by eight points since 2019 and was lower than all previous assessments dating back to 2003; a 10-point decrease is considered equivalent to about a year of learning.
- Average reading scores for fourth graders declined by five points in the Northeast region, three points in the Midwest and South and two points in the West.
- In the U.K., the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists has also warned about declines in speech and motor skills in children since the pandemic.
Categories: Education, Free Speech Zone