Commissioner John Plecnik has a unique trait

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist, overtaxed taxpayer

At the February 2, 2023, Commissioner John Plecnik again demonstrated a unique trait not obvious in a lot of elected officials. He is LISTENING TO THE CITIZENS OF LAKE COUNTY AND UNDERSTANDS THE PLIGHT OF SENIOR CITIZENS.

We edited the video of the Commissioners’ meeting to capture Commissioner Plecnik’s truly historic remarks.

Bravo, Commissioner Plecnik! Now all we need is the State Legislators listening to and caring about the Lake County seniors.

To all of our readers, please contact State Senator, Jerry Cirino, and State Representatives Jamie Callender, and Dan Troy, and ask them to seriously consider drastic changes in the property tax assessment of Ohio seniors.

Do not let them tax you out of your home that you have worked all your life to achieve!



Please consider supporting Lake County’s Sub Zero Mission…


Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Real Estate Taxes


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