Breaking News in Lake County, Ohio…look who is the new Juvenile Court Judge…update July 28, 2023

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Governor Mike DeWine accepted the recommendations of the Lake County Republican Party and appointed the affable, courteous, and competent Mike DeLeone, currently the Assistant Prosecutor for Lake County reporting to Prosecutor Charles Coulson, to the Judge of Juvenile Court, replacing the recently deceased Ms. Karen Lawson.

We congratulate Mr. DeLeone, and we wish him a great deal of success in the his new position.

He will no longer have to worry about the public records requests sent to the Prosecutor’s office by Lobbyists for Citizens.


Updated July 28, 2023 at 10:25 am

Former State Representative and Lake County Commissioner Ron Young has, without any hesitation, supported the appointment of Mike DeLeone as the Judge of Juvenile Court. Ron wished Mike well and endorsed him in his bid for the position in the next election.



Categories: Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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