Brunswick City School Board Backpeddles on Pornographic Books

Brunswick City School Board Backpeddles after being threatened to be prosecuted for Porn

By Dakota Sawyer / American Union PAC
April 21, 2023

I recently testified before the Brunswick City School Board over the pornographic book Out of Darkness that they wanted to put in the MIDDLE SCHOOL in their new English curriculum. I told the board that what they were trying to do is illegal and immoral.

I gave them the ultimatum to either remove the book or be prosecuted for a Felony. The Director of the Education Department called me the next day saying that the district will not be buying the book nor will they be teaching the book due to my concerns and threat of prosecution. I see this as a win, and we need more people to do this to their boards that have these books.

Here is the video, my testimony starts at 54:28




Categories: Community Activism, Education, Uncategorized


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