Men of Honor Social Club…August Newsletter

By Ed Jones, President of The Men of Honor Social Club

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the Men of Honor Social Club’s August Newsletter.

We hope you have had a nice summer so far. As always, the summer months flew by and fall is right around the corner. Make sure you take time to get outside and enjoy the nice weather. Also, if you have kids on summer break or home from college, be sure to spend quality time with them. Time is the most precious gift we can give and our children deserve it most.

Do you remember summers as a child? A summer day would last an eternity. We would be outside bright and early, meeting up with friends for a day of adventure. We would eat lunch or grab snacks at whoever’s house we happened to be at and we would get our water from a garden hose. We would swing home for a quick dinner before sprinting back outside again for more mischief. Inevitably it would start to get dark, the street lights would come on, and we would head home.

We weren’t worried about bills, diets, or the state of America. We were kids. We were innocent. We were happy…and summer lasted forever.

Club Mission

The Men of Honor Social Club’s mission is to gather in fellowship, support our community, and develop the next generation of men through mentoring and scholarship.

Supporting Our Community

The Club recently got word of a veteran who has been displaced due to a house fire. The veteran served in Vietnam and is battling stage 4 cancer. His wish is to simply live his remaining days in his home of 50 years. Once we were made aware of the situation the Club quickly mobilized to assist in the rebuilding of the home and cleaning of the property. This is an ongoing project, but the hope is to have the veteran back in his home as quickly as possible. We will keep you posted.


Scholarship Award Recipients

Men of Honor 2023 Scholarship Award WinnersScholarship Award Recipients

Developing the next generation of men through mentoring and scholarship. In June, the Club awarded $4,000 in scholarships to 7 young men beginning their post-secondary education:

Andrew Weiss- of Riverside High School will be attending The Ohio State University and majoring in Data Analytics.

Matthew Dawson– of Mentor High School will be attending the University of Cincinnati and majoring in Music Education.

Jesus Morales – of Harvey High School will be attending Columbia University and majoring in Finance.

Caleb Myers – of Chardon High School will be attending the University of Louisville and majoring in Engineering.

Joseph Rypinsky – of Eastlake North High School will be attending Miami University and majoring in Finance and Entrepreneurship.

Jacob Sebring – Homeschooled will be attending Cleveland State University and majoring in Mechanical Engineering.

Doug Slovenkay – of Mentor High School will be attending Kent State or the College of Wooster and majoring in English and Education.

Also, in the picture (far right) is 2022 1st Prize Scholarship Winner Joshua Hammel. We were happy to see Josh and his parents at the 2023 ceremony!

We look forward to watching these fine young men continue along the path of honor, strength, and integrity.


Men of Honor in History

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- Winston Churchill

History repeats because human nature is unchanging. A man should know history and learn from its lessons. We can predict the future by looking at the past. We can also gain strength and inspiration from men that came before us. Men that stepped up when called upon. The doers of deeds.


This month we honor:Eddie Rickenbacker- America’s Flying Ace of WWI

In the Club we often talk about living a prolific life. Capt. Edward Rickenbacker of Columbus, OH led one of the most prolific lives in American history. Automobile racing champion, flying ace, Medal of Honor recipient, entrepreneur, hero. Eddie Rickenbacker’s story is one for the ages.



Health and Wellness

“Our growing softness, our increasing lack of physical fitness, is a menace to our security.”- JFK

A man has an obligation to himself, his family, and his community to maintain a baseline level of fitness. Men must be able to carry the load, literally and figuratively, in times of trouble. In this section we will provide tips, tools, and links designed to help you be a man of strength. To that end, did you know that resistance training (lifting weights) slows down the aging process? It does…and here’s how.
Here is another resource. And another.


Emergency Prep

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”- Benjamin Franklin

Every man should heed the Boy Scout motto of “Be Prepared”. Again, you owe it to yourself, your family, and your community to be ready for just about any calamity. In this section we will provide tips, tools, and links designed to get you ready for anything. Accordingly, every man should own an everyday carry knife. Here is why. The folks over at Outdoor Life did a review of 2023 EDC knives. Check it out and make sure you get yourself an EDC.


Thank you for reading. We hope you found something of interest, and that this becomes one of your go-to sources for inspiration, motivation, and tactical tips for being a honorable man. Walking this path can be a lonely one, but know that you are not alone. In fact, there are millions of men just like you. Men that care. Men that want to leave a better world for their children and their children’s children. Men of honor, strength, and integrity.

Welcome to the club.

Kind regards,
Ed Jones
The Men of Honor Social Club

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