3rd Grade Reading Scores in Ohio Schools Are Terrible

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We will keep publishing articles that point out the failure of gernment schools.



The science of reading and what it means for Ohio students

On Thursday, DeWine announced a new state-approved curriculum, The Science of Reading, for K-12 schools.

The science of reading and what it means for Ohio students


On Thursday, DeWine announced a new state-approved curriculum, The Science of Reading, for K-12 schools.

Author: Kiona Dyches

Published: 6:41 PM EDT August 10, 2023

Updated: 6:41 PM EDT August 10, 2023

Excerpts from the article:

“Reading is the key that unlocks the door to so many other things and many opportunities in life.” said Gov. Mike DeWine.

On Thursday, DeWine announced a new state-approved curriculum, The Science of Reading, for K-12 schools. It refers to research that has been conducted for decades by scientists and literacy experts that shows there is an actual science behind learning to read and that certain skills need to be taught, including phonics.

The science-based teaching includes five key skills including phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

According to the Ohio Department of Education, only 60% of Ohio’s 3rd graders are proficient readers.


Editorial Comments by Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

What an absolute, utter failure in government schools! Yet, they keep trying to get more money from the taxpayers with property taxes.

We need to send them back to the one room schoolhouse.




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