California Property Taxes Are About to Increase

By Brian Massie,

Our friend in California sent us the following information about the property tax policies coming to their State. As in the State of Ohio, the ever-increasing property taxes are pricing people out of their homes. Local, state and the federal government are growing out of control. Taxpayers in all states must stay vigilant, and understand how a property tax levy impacts their personal housing affordability threshold percentage. [If your Mortgage + Utilities + Property Taxes = 30% Annual Income then your home is deemed unaffordable for you.]


By LQ in California / September 7, 2023

Friends and Family,

Prop. 13 keeps taxes low for every homeowner whether you bought a long time

ago, or, recently purchased, yes, even the recent purchase is at 1.25%.  Tenants

benefit, too, because higher property tax results in higher rents.

Before Prop. 13, every county in CA had a different property tax and most were

getting higher and higher, as-in, taxing the home-owner out of their property.

Howard Jarvice was able to unify the whole state of CA to a 1.25% property tax

that COULD NOT INCREASE without a 2/3’s vote of the CA residents.

That INCREASE AND PROTECTION are NOW at stake with ACA-1 and ACA-13


Thank you for reading and please forward to everyone you know, tenant or owner.

We are all feeling the financial pinch of new laws, many written behind closed doors and without the vote of the public.


I have some really BAD NEWS from yesterday’s vote in the State Assembly and we absolutely must get your help to prevent a disastrous tax hike measure from passing!

Late yesterday, both ACA-1 and ACA-13 bills to gut Prop 13 passed the Assembly by just ONE vote! But we aren’t done yet!

Now these measures head to the State Senate – where we need your help IMMEDIATELY to KILL THESE BILLS! Both ACA-1 and ACA-13 eliminate Prop 13’s two-thirds public vote requirement for any new tax hikes – and are specifically designed to block our California Taxpayer Protection Initiative that would require honest ballot titles on all future tax hikes and would retroactively invalidate billions in tax hikes Democrats recently imposed in California!

If we are to have a chance to stop the Democrat’s tax-raising bill from passing, I need your help in two ways: HELP US FUND STATEWIDE TEXT MESSAGES:

We need to fund an emergency statewide text message blast and phone banks to voters in key State Senate districts to put pressure on the politicians to back down from this terrible and costly idea!

We exhausted our funds in hitting the State Assembly districts yesterday. Can you chip in to the fight IMMEDIATELY so we can alert voters today?

Contribute Securely: Protect Prop 13 and Block Tax Hikes


Categories: Community Activism, Real Estate Taxes

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