Open Letter to Chris Hallum, Willoughby Hills Council President

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

As advocates for several Willoughby Hills and Lake County residents that would like to see the Smith Family Cemetery repaired and maintained, we recently sent the following email to Mr. Chris Hallum, President of Willoughby Hills City Council. The cemetery is located on Chardon Road in an obscure location behind the Cleveland Clinic office building.


Mr. Chris Hallum, President of City Council
Willoughby Hills City Hall
35405 Chardon Road
Willoughby Hills, OH  44094
Subject: Smith Family Cemetery

Dear Mr. Hallum:

It has been brought to our attention that there are unacceptable conditions at a Willoughby Hills’ cemetery known as the Smith Family Cemetery.

Our research indicates that there is at least one Revolutionary soldier, and one Civil War soldier that are interred in the Cemetery.  Their gravestones are either missing, or in conditions unbefitting those patriots.

We visited the cemetery and found that there is no access to the property, no fence demarking the hallowed grounds, and many headstones that have been severely broken or simply stacked on top of each other.

We are, respectfully, asking the City of Willoughby Hills to correct these unacceptable conditions:

1.       Determine the burial plots of the 74 souls in the cemetery.
2.       Repair and/or replace as many headstones as possible.
3.       Provide easy access to the cemetery without disturbing the property rights of other citizens.
4.       Provide a permanent fence to delineate the cemetery boundaries.
5.       Create a permanent list of those citizens buried in the cemetery.

Here is a link to a video that we have created to express our genuine concerns for those that sacrificed so that we may enjoy freedom and liberty in our great country.

We respectfully request a meeting with you to discuss this issue.

Thank you, 
Brian Massie – Lobbyists for Citizens – a 501 C 4 Non-Profit – (440) 479-7061

Linda O’Brien – Liberty Camp, USA.


We will keep our readers updated on our progress with the current authorities in Willoughby Hills.


Categories: Community Activism, Uncategorized, Willoughby Hills

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