Mr. Heath Needs Help Defining Pornography

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We continue to report on the pornographic books in the Mentor School District.

Here is the article we published about the book, Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.

At the Mentor School Board meeting held on October 10, 2023, Mr. Craig Heath, Superintendent, admitted that he has read the book, but still needs more time to determine if it meets the Board’s new policy. He complied with the leftists’ on the Board to look at the literary value of the entire book.

Here is a our video of Mr. Heath telling the Board and the public that he is not sure that a book dealing with incest, and pedophilia is pornographic. In our opinion, the three leftists on the Board buckled the knees of Mr. Heath.

Someone will have to locate Mr. Heath’s spine.

In our opinion, the taxpayers paying into the Mentor School District are not being well served by a left leaning, weak-kneed Superintendent that makes decisions based on the direction of the political winds.

They have a chance to be heard at the polls on November 7th to vote on school levies.




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