By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall
We attended and recorded the recent Riverside School District curriculum meeting. The new Superintendent, Dr. Chris Rateno, explains the school board the meaning of the new State report card grading system.
LFC Editorial Comments: The State’s new star rating system is meant to reveal details so that educators, parents, and taxpayers can better understand the performance of the school district. However, in our opinion, it is far too complex and subject to interpretation. It is almost “paralysis by analysis”!
Also, the grading system is based on the percentage of students that have met their grade proficiency. Who determines proficiency you may ask? It is the State that determines the “cut scores”, and they keep moving around.
We will endeavor to determine the “cut scores” for the past few years by contacting the State Department of Education. We will also be looking at the graduation requirements for 2023 versus previous years. It appears to us that in order to increase the graduation rates, they are “lowering the bar” for graduation.
Categories: Education, Riverside S.D.