Carolyn Brakey and Geauga County Coming to the Aid of Their Citizens

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Geauga County cares enough about the citizens to take action against their citizens being taxed out of the homes they have worked all their lives to achieve.

We challenge the Lake County Commissioners to take action on behalf of their overburdened taxpayers.

Commissioners Regovich, Hamercheck and Plecnik – are you up to the task?


Do you know what 1,750 petitions to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike” look like?

Have a look for yourself!

At a recent open house with State Senator Sandra O’Brien, Carolyn delivers 1,750 petitions from Geauga residents to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike.”

As I promised to everyone who has taken the time to make their voice heard, I am delivering your petitions to our elected officials in Geauga County.

After a warm introduction from Commissioner Jim Dvorak, I formally presented these 1,750 petitions to State Senator Sandra O’Brien to aid her in future efforts to find a legislative solution in Columbus.

It was truly encouraging to hear our state senator express her deep understanding and appreciation for the issue, emphasizing the critical need for a longer term fix.

And she wasn’t the only one hearing our voice. Many of our elected official gathered at the open house to engage with the people they represent.

Carolyn stands with the Budget Commission’s Prosecutor, Jim Flaiz (far left) and Auditor Chuck Walder (center right) at last Thursday’s open house.

As I delivered your petitions, Auditor Chuck Walder reported on the impressive achievement of numerous Geauga taxing authorities, successfully offsetting over 50% of the Geauga Tax Hike.

Simply put, Geauga County continues to set the standard for conservative leadership — and together, you and I are making the difference.

I launched this campaign with a mission to protect the freedoms and paychecks of Geauga residents. Will you help our efforts continue onto Election Day with a $5 contribution?

Thank you for all your support.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey


Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Uncategorized

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