Kraus for the House in 2024

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall


Friends of Kraus: Standing Strong for Ohio’s Future

[Sandusky, OH JAN 5, 2024] – The Committee for Steven Kraus, known as “Friends of Kraus,” celebrates a significant victory today as the Erie County Board of Elections unanimously ruled in favor of Steve Kraus, ensuring his presence on the March Republican Primary ballot for Ohio’s 89th State House of Representatives District.

This decision marks a pivotal moment in a journey fraught with challenges and adversities. Steve Kraus, a dedicated public servant and former representative, faced a more than dubious removal from office after a brief but impactful tenure. Despite this setback, his unwavering commitment to his constituents and unyielding dedication to principled governance have been undiminished.

“I was prepared for a fight, but my attorney Andy Mayle laid out a compelling case,” stated Kraus, reflecting on the unanimous decision. Kraus, representing himself at the hearing, anticipated opposition from what he termed “the good old boy network.” However, he expressed pleasant surprise at the fair treatment by the complainant, Dennis Schreiner, emphasizing that this was not a personal vendetta.

Yet, amidst this ordeal, it became apparent that incumbent D.J. Swearingen had played a role in the challenge against Kraus. Despite this revelation, Kraus held no grudges, attributing such tactics to what he described as “dirty and unethical politics – politics as usual.” His focus remains resolutely on fostering a more constructive and sincere political landscape.

“Regarding the attempts to impede my candidacy”, Kraus conveyed a magnanimous approach, expressing no animosity towards D.J. Swearingen for any involvement in obstructing his ballot candidacy. He acknowledged this as a reflection of the unfortunate norms in certain spheres of politics, characterized by tactics aimed at obfuscation, underhandedness, and manipulation. Former representative Kraus pivoted the discussion towards a call for a new era of principled governance. He emphasized the necessity of ushering in a new brand of Republican leadership founded on sincerity and policies rather than engaging in divisive maneuvers. Encouraging D.J. Swearingen to embrace a higher standard of integrity, transparency, and honesty, Kraus advocated for a more substantive and honorable discourse in political endeavors.”

“Friends of Kraus” stands united in their support for a brighter future for Ohio, one guided by principled leadership and a genuine commitment to the people. As the committee, we believe in Steve Kraus’s vision and dedication to advancing the interests of the 89th State House of Representatives District.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact [Cellphone (419) 239 4283 Email].

Committee for Steve Kraus – Friends of Kraus

Paid for by Friends of Kraus Committee


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