Auburn’s Mantra: “It ain’t over, ’till I say it’s over!”

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

It looks like the Auburn Career Center’s President, Dr. Brian Bontempo, and his lawyers have the “it ain’t over ’till I say its over” mantra regarding their futile lawsuit against their employees’ union (CATA).

Would you believe that they filed 8, yes, that is correct, EIGHT new motions, in court. Here is a sample of one of the motions:

The school district has lost each and every lawsuit (0 for 5, but who’s counting) filed in the last 12 years against CATA. It is easy to file a lawsuit with someone else’s money. We would hope that the 11 appointed Board members turn in their resignation rather than being part of this charade. We will see who has the wisdom, courage and moral code to resign from this Board.

The following video came to mind when we wondered if Auburn’s Board of Trustees, or certainly the majority of them, will hand in their resignation rather than be part of the ridiculous use of taxpayers’ funds.

Those with honor and a moral code will be like the students in this video and not follow Dr. Bontempo and his lawyers down this wide path of destruction. The Geauga and Lake County citizens will judge them by their fruits. Their appearance and their claims are no proof of true character.

Categories: Education, Lake County - General, Uncategorized

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