Has the Mystery of the Local Government Funds Been Solved?

By a Concerned Lake County Citizen

The 1982 conundrum of how Concord Township people are worth $8.35 each and the poor, underprivileged people of Waite Hill Village are worth $299.08 each and Kirtland Hills are worth $218.64 each has been unearthed.

After years of extensive research, archival footage from deep in the bowels of Lake County has been discovered that explains how the local government fund alternate formula came into existence!

The video will show how the hardship and plight of our poor neighbors to the West was resolved by the non-transparent Lake County Mayors and Managers as they bicker over the local government fund alternate formula.

Not to be left out, this also explains how Lake County Metroparks, bloated with $30 million in cash reserves, is actually receiving $50,000 a year more than Concord Township, and the Painesville Township Park is receiving about half of what Concord is receiving.

Just when we think the the Lake County Mayors and Managers could not be any less transparent, they prove us wrong. They are meeting behind closed doors today to get their story straight before the public meeting on Thursday at 6:00 pm at the Auburn Career Center. Isn’t it appropriate, a non-transparent group plans to meet at an even less transparent facility?

There is no doubt the Townships have been subsidizing the other municipalities for years. This proves that there are some people that are more equal than others, and it’s great to have friends in high places.

Categories: Community Activism, Contributors, Lake County - General, Lake County Politics


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