Lake County Property Taxes Which Municipality is Number 1?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We wondered which of the 32 Lake County Taxing Districts has the highest property taxes based on the 2023 property valuations with the taxes collected in 2024. The sexennial revaluation taking place in 2024 collected in 2025 may change these numbers.

Using the effective tax rates supplied by the Lake County Auditors office, we simply multiplied the total effective tax rate by $35.00 to arrive at the cost per $1000,000 of the property’s market value. (not assessed value) This calculation was confirmed by the Auditor’s office. The $ amounts shown do NOT reflect any tax credits that have been given to the taxpayers. (10%, 2.5% or Homestead Exemption).

Here is the list sorted by residential costs (highest to the lowest):

The “winner” with the highest residential property taxes is District 26 Waite Hill Village / Willoughby Eastlake School District at $2,924.58 per $100,000 of home market value.

The winner with the lowest resident property taxes is a tie between North Perry Village and Perry Village at $1,735.00 per $100,000 of the home market value.

Here is a schedule of the property taxes sorted by commercial property taxes (highest to lowest):

The “winner” in this category is Wickliffe City with $3,808.73 per $100,000 of commercial market value.

The other winner in this category is Kirtland City with the lowest commercial property taxes at $2,177.21 per $100,000 of market value.


Categories: Lake County - General, Uncategorized

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