Another Tangled Web of Deception by Franklin County Auditor Michael Stinziano

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to a Lake County lobbyist for sending us this article. The article illustrates how elected officials try to kick the can down the road by trying to fix an unstainable system. However, what irks us is the deception played by Mr. Stinziano by not writing what he stated to the Joint Committee on Property Taxes – “if you cannot afford your home, you should sell it”! [check out the video below]

The questions we need answered is:

  1. Should the government be involved in public education?
  2. 2.Where is it written that taxpayer should pay for the education of someone else’s child?
  3. 3. If property ownership is the foundation of liberty, why is the government taxing us out of our homes?

Property owners are being buried by taxes. Cash-strapped should be able to delay payments.

Michael Stinziano, Guest columnist
Published 5:18 am July 2, 2024 l Updated 4:16 am July 2, 2024

Michael Stinziano is Franklin County auditor.

The challenge for many Franklin County residents impacted by the burden of Ohio’s current laws in how property taxes are established remains. Some of our neighbors are even left in the impossible position of wondering how they can remain in the neighborhoods they desire to live in unless Ohio laws are changed.

The Franklin County auditor’s office continues to advocate to our state lawmakers on legislation that could help modernize current laws and also provide options that would provide impactful property tax relief.

First, we should modernize existing options that help homeowners.

The Homestead Exemption allows older and disabled homeowners with incomes of less than $36,100 to exempt $26,200 of home value from being taxed.

We should increase the amount of value exempted and increase the income threshold to help more homeowners. We can also increase the owner-occupied credit to provide real tax relief for homeowners who live in their homes.

Advice on challenging appraisal value:Think your property taxes too high? Challenging your appraisal value may help.

In addition, there are several pieces of legislation I support that can help overburdened property owners.

Legislation is the key to taxes that work for the people

I support Senate Bill 244 and the creation of resident stability zones, which use our existing abatement system to exempt property value increases based on need rather than just development. The bill would protect low-to-moderate income homeowners from future value spikes.

I also support legislation that would create property tax circuit breakers, such as Senate Bill 271, which would provide a refundable tax credit if property taxes exceeded a defined portion of income.

For years, I have supported legislation to cap property tax increases at a specific percentage, to prevent sudden large changes in taxes. Those bills have languished at the Statehouse.

The “Stinziano solution”

I support a “Stinziano solution,” a property tax deferral program like those that currently exist in many states, which allows eligible homeowners to delay, but not avoid, paying property taxes if they can’t afford to at that very moment.

More on Stinziano solutions to taxes:Franklin County Auditor addresses property values, taxes, levies and being ‘house poor’

These proposals would help overburdened homeowners at this time of ongoing growth occurring while our housing values are increasing to historic highs.

Michael Stinziano photo provided by Michael Stinziano

If I could enact these proposals on my own, I would, but we need the legislature to act on them.

I am asking Franklin County residents to contact their state legislators and direct them to act on these solutions. I urge you to reach out and let them know you support these changes.

That’s the only way these fixes become reality.

Michael Stinziano is Franklin County auditor.

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We attended the public meeting held by the Joint Committee on Property Taxes Review and Reform in May, 2024. We recorded the following video while listening to the various speakers. It just so happens that we recorded Mr. Stinziano speaking to the Committee. Although he tries to come across in his article as a caring individual looking out for the citizens, his comment belies that image he wants to portray.

Please listen to the Franklin County Auditor, Michael Stinziano, at the 3:10 mark of the video below, state that if you cannot afford your home you should SELL it. We will be sure to convey Mr. Stinziano’s message to ALL citizens of Ohio. Franklin County may want to decide if that is the caliber of Auditor they want representing them.

Do not lie, deceive or betray the citizens. You will be exposed!

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