Another Deception Played on Lake County Taxpayers

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We have confirmed with the Lake County Auditor’s office that the “Eastlake Acquisition Company LLC” is the owner of the Eastlake Power Plant. Please note that on the tax bill below they pay $1,711,406.88 annually in real estate taxes.

Eastlake Acquisition Company may write a check for that amount to pay for the taxes, but there is no doubt that cost is buried in the charge to the residents using the electricity distributed by the power plant.

Ladies and gentlemen, your property taxes are even higher than the amount you pay on your home. Your utility bills have a property tax increment, and you do not even know it.

Why is a commercial property even paying property taxes? Perhaps a portion is justified in that their employees use the local roads, sanitation, fire and police protection, but why the public library, schools, and the park district? The Willoughby-Eastlake school district receives 60% of the property taxes collected from the power plant.

Utility costs are one factor in the calculation of the Housing Affordability Threshold. Mortgage + Utilities + Property Taxes cannot equal 30% of your annual income. If it does then your home is deemed unaffordable for you. You will have less money for your “needs and wants” – decent food, vacations, insurance may be luxury.

When State legislators suggest that seniors should sell their homes and move into an apartment, they have lost their compassion for their fellow citizens.

We are on an unsustainable path of a growing government at all levels, and the private citizens are becoming unable to afford this growing government. We have to reassess “What is the role of government?” Should seniors continue to pay for public education forever? Should the government be involved in public education?


Here is a 30 second commercial we created to SAVE OUR SENIORS! Please pass it along to friends and relatives.

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