Liberty California…Prop 5 will Triple Property Taxes in the State

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to our California lobbyist for sending this notice to us for our California readers. It is becoming apparent to me that another goal of the globalists is that they want us to become a nation of renters just like Germany. Traitors abound throughout our nation. This is not going to end well.

There are many Candidates and Issues on the California Ballot but none more Life Changing than Prop 5

To the point, California’s Prop 5  will raise Property Taxes and likely Triple  Property taxes making it virtually unrealistic for any Middle Class  individuals to own property in California. ( That has been their Goal all along }

If you remember Gavin Newsom signed a Law banning Single Family Zoning . Contractors will collude with the Crooked Politicians and build Venezuelan Style slums throughout  our State and pack them with the Illegal Migrants that are being herded into out State .

Already the Federal Government has prioritized and spent money giving free Housing , Free Health Care,  Free Tuition,  Free everything to Illegal aliens instead of our Citizens suffering from Natural Disasters. Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes — after FEMA spent $1.4B on migrants

Need more to be concerned about ?
Twenty-three years after Islamic terrorists used airplanes to conduct the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, the federal agency created to protect Americans from national security threats “cannot ensure they are keeping high-risk noncitizens out today ! ‘High risk noncitizens’ without IDs flying across U.S.

Anyone one supporting Prop 5 is not anyone who supports a Prosperous, Freedom Loving  USA. or it’s Citizens. Here are  just a few Arguments against this Tyranny from the  Professionals. California Taxpayer Association:

“More than four decades ago, prompted by years of rising taxes, Californians resoundingly approved Proposition 13 to provide a check on local governments’ taxing authority, and to ensure a greater representative voice for those who would be taxed. Proposition 13 also limits taxes on property to 1 percent of the property’s assessed value. Reducing the vote threshold would diminish the people’s voice on tax increases and would erode property tax safeguards.”

 Dr. Gary Galles, economics professor at Pepperdine University: “ACA 1 would sharply lower Proposition 13’s two-thirds voter threshold to 55% for local special taxes to fund ‘infrastructure’ so vaguely defined that virtually anything could qualify. It would open the door to massive new tax hikes to give Sacramento politicians what they want from property tax-payers without giving them their money’s worth in return.”

Susan Shelley, vice president of communications for the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association: “Ultimately, Prop. 5 creates a perverse incentive for local governments to misallocate public funds. When it’s easier to borrow money, some elected officials are likely to spend existing tax revenues on everything except high-priority needs. In future years, municipal budgets could become increasingly strained as more and more revenue gets diverted to repay investors for old debt.”

Only the Radicals that Hate America and want to Transform it  supports destroying the Middle Class and our Once great Nation. 

You can read the Pros and cons on Prop 5  here and make up your own mind where this will lead to.

If you feel California is going in the wrong direction and want to Save our State and need a easy to understand Complete Guide on the Candidates and Issues
Reform California is one of the very best resources.CA Statewide Voter Guide

Educate your Family and Friends – Remember Evil Triumphs when Good Men do nothing.

Liberty California

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