Math is a Foreign Language to Most Ohio Students…Riverside S.D. Scores are Embarrassing

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We read with great interest the 2023 – 2024 performance scores of Ohio schools, and the performance of the Riverside School District, since that is where $4,989.53 of our life savings go every year in property taxes. When we add in $226.73 for Auburn, and $412.78 for Lakeland Community College, we are paying $5,629.04 annually in property taxes for education. And this is before the sexennial revaluation that will increase property taxes in 2025 without a vote of the taxpayers.

When we consider that Lakeland Community College is almost insolvent because of the prior administration, and Auburn continues to waste taxpayers’ hard earned money on legal fees fighting a legal case they have lost every time in court for over ten years, we believe that taxpayers are being used and abused by Lake County’s education industry. Sadly, there is no elected official that is coming to the aid of the citizens of Lake County. The public sector is growing so large that the private sector can no longer afford the services.

Citizens must speak up or they are going to be taxed out of their homes.


Here is a link to the State of Ohio’s report card website:

The following are excepts from the report:

“Governor DeWine’s ReadOhio initiative aims to boost literacy achievement, ensuring every child reads at or above grade level. It’s important to acknowledge the gains in literacy scores for third, fourth, and fifth grade students, but also recognize there is significant improvement still needed.”

“This year, 64.5% of third grade students are reading at or above grade level, an improvement from 62.3% last year. Ohio students are counting on us, and our work remains urgent.”

“Math proficiency has improved incrementally including gains in grades 4-7 and algebra, but only 53.5% of all students are proficient in math. The emphasis on learning supports and accelerating opportunities in mathematics remains critical to continuous improvement.”

So how do the students at the Riverside School District, led by Belinda Grassi and her cohorts for over ten years, measure up?

Tests TakenTests ProficientPercent Proficient
Eighth Grade
English Language Arts29019366.6%
High School
Algebra I34122365.4%
American US Government28620471.3%
American US History31924677.1%
English Language Arts II33125877.9%

Losing the American Dream

Categories: Riverside S.D., State of Ohio, Uncategorized

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