ADAMHS Board’s Spring Wellness Guide

LFC Comments: We are passing along a well-done brochure by the Lake County ADAMHS Board. They are providing helpful hints on how to help your family and yourself cope with the stress associates with the CoVid-19 “plandemic”.


The Lake County ADAMHS Board is pleased to share our 2021 Spring Wellness Guide.  We know that as our community slowly begins reopening we may be feeling anxiety, but there are things we can all do to help decrease stress and experience the joy of the new season! Please share this with colleagues, friends, relatives – anyone who could use a boost during these times of change!

Kim Fraser, Executive Director of the Lake County ADAMHS Board

“It’s Spring – Time to Cleanse, Rejuvenate, Refresh!”


LFC highly suggests taking advantage of our great Lake Metroparks. Here is a video we created based on a recent hiking adventure.




Categories: Lake, Ohio Counties, Uncategorized


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