Support HB 248…Medical Freedom & No Vaccine Passport

Are you aware of HB248

Written by: Siobhan Justin
July 3, 2021

Do you realize just how important it is and to what extent the opponents of HB248 will go to in order to make it go away?

As you may already know this is the most important Bill for Ohio in regards to Medical Freedom that has ever been introduced.

This bill will protect ALL Ohioans against ALL infringement against our constitutional right to bodily integrity and autonomy.

I call it ‘The Bill To Die On’.

Stephanie Stock rightly calls it ‘The People’s Bill’ – because WETHEPEOPLE of OHIO want and need this bill to be passed into law. 

Contrary to what the naysayers say, this bill does NOT ban vaccines and does NOT place Ohioans at any public health risk.

This bill was introduces by Jennifer Gross, a PROVAX Nurse Practitioner.
This bill is a MEDICAL FREEDOM bill and does not debate the merits or deficiencies of vaccines. This bill DOES prevent vaccine passports in Ohio.

Despite its monumental importance, many of the Establishment Health Organizations that claim to represent the average Ohio resident are strongly opposed to HB248.

These organizations claim to have the backing of 1.9 million people within their organizations.

What they are claiming is that everyone within their organization, 100% of them, are ALSO vehemently opposed to HB248.

The letter from these organizations in strong opposition to HB248 that was sent to the Ohio House Health Committee claims to speak for ALL those people that they represent.

So if it’s true that 100% of the 1.9 million people within their organizations ALSO vehemently oppose HB248, then that works out to be less than 20% of the Adult Ohio population.

1.9 million people is a lot of people – a big number, and when people hear that large number, it’s easy to be misled into believing that there is wide support from a large swathe of Ohioans to oppose HB248.

However, when you realize that 1.9 million Ohio adults only represents less than 20% of Ohio adults, then opposition to Ohio HB248 is not very strong at all.
If I use their assertion that 100% of the people that they represent OPPOSE HB248, then let me assert that 100% of the people that they DON’T represent must support HB248.

If that’s the case, then  over 80% of Adult Ohioans support HB248.

Or put another way, approximately 9 million Ohio adults support HB248, while less than 1.9 million Ohio adults oppose HB248.

Put yet another way, it could be said that the vast majority of Ohioans support HB248, the Vaccine Choice and Anti-discrimination Act.

Now I know that neither scenario is entirely accurate, however there has been a groundswell of grassroots support for HB248 that has never been seen before in Ohio on ANY bill.

Those opposing HB248 would prefer that it just dies, or that it passes with language that strips it of its ability to empower Ohioans to decide for themselves what medical interventions they will or will not submit themselves or their children to.

Would you share this information with your group and encourage them to join with Ohio Advocates For Medical Freedom in support of this bill?

By sharing the vote yes on HB248 website with other Ohioans?

You can do this by:
(1) contacting the House Health committee members,
(2) contacting their House representative,
(3) providing proponent testimony to House Health committee,
(4) buying and wearing the t-shirts and handing out information cards about HB248, which can be purchased at
(5) Sharing HB248 at public events, such as fairs, parades and political events
(6) By gathering a group of friends, family or neighbors to share HB248
We can all contribute to the successful passage of HB248 into law.

The House is setting the bill aside throughout the summer and won’t reconvene until September.

Would you ask your members to consider writing proponent testimony for HB248?
They can get ideas from the testimony I linked to and also they can watch the testimonies that are on the website to give themselves an idea of what to include in their testimony.
The testimony can be brief and does not need to be technical.
Here is a sample proponent testimony for HB248
It is my testimony:

Testimonies can’t be submitted yet, but if they write the testimonies out before September, when the date of the proponent testimony meeting is announced, they can submit it then.

It would be glorious if the House Health Committee were swamped with testimonies when they returned to work in September.

OhioAMF has detailed instructions on how to format  and submit the testimony and I have enclosed them here:

  • Please prepare a thoughtful, personal, and respectful testimony (letter) to the Health Committee explaining why you support HB248.
  • We recommend sharing a personal story or personal concerns you may have that are related to the need for this legislation – a bill maintaining vaccine choice and healthcare privacy.
  • We also suggest sharing your profession to provide additional context for the committee members, if applicable to your story or concerns.


  • Keep in mind, when submitting testimony to a legislative body, your testimony becomes public record.
  • Typically you have a choice as to testifying in person or submitting written-only testimony. Either way, a witness form is necessary so that the committee knows that the testimony is coming from a real person, how to reach you if there’s any follow-up questions, etc.
  • Please download ( and complete a witness form to submit with your in-person or written-only testimony. Make sure to indicate on the form if you intend to testify in-person, or if you’re submitting written-only testimony.


  • Please submit, via email, your witness form and your testimony to Health Committee Chairman Lipps’ office ( no later than end of day June 3, 2021.
  • Make sure to include in the email Subject “HB248 Testimony” and “In-Person” or “Written Only”.
  • Please also copy Representative Gross on your email ( so that she is aware that your testimony was submitted.
  • If you don’t mind, please also forward a copy of your email and testimony to us ( so that we can also monitor submissions!

1) Please follow Ohio Advocates For Medical Freedom on Telegram to ensure you don’t miss VITAL Calls-To-Action affecting your medical freedom in Ohio!

2) Follow us on MeWe:

3) Follow us on Colleqtiv @OhioAMF, download here:


Categories: Free Speech Zone, Uncategorized


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