Commissioner Hamercheck endorsing Lakeland’s Levy…so very sad

LFC Comments by Brian Massie – average citizen

We know that Ms. Amy Sabath, Lakeland’s Director for Government Relations & Executive Assistant to the President and Director for the Nonprofit & Public Service Center, contacted each Commissioner and asked for their individual endorsement of the property tax renewal levy on the November 2nd ballot. Ms. Sabath is also the President of the Lake County Visitors Bureau.

We asked the Commissioners if they are supporting the Lakeland Community College property tax renewal levy. Starting at the 1:14 mark of the video you will hear me ask the question, and you can hear each Commissioner give their reasons for either supporting the levy, or not supporting the levy.

Both Commissioners Plecnik and Young will NOT endorse the levy, but Commissioner Hamercheck will be supporting the levy. We thank Commissioners Plecnik and Young for standing up for the seniors in Lake County.

Commissioner Hamercheck gave these reasons for supporting the levy:

  • He is an alumni.
  • He is in their Hall of Fame.
  • He met his wife there.
  • His family attended Lakeland.
  • They provide a really good education.
  • He knows many people that have attended.
  • He feels an obligation to support them.

Please note that Commissioner Hamercheck makes no mention of:

  • Declining enrollment for the past 10 years.
  • Terrible financial condition of the College.
  • College not receptive to helping Lake County manufacturing community.
  • Students going to Lorain Community College.
  • As of June 30, 2021, they have $89,254,914 million in debt
  • As of June 30, 2020 their net position on their balance sheet is a negative $27,370,962
  • Settlement with former employee Steve Oluic regarding his wrongful termination lawsuit.

Here is the article we wrote about Lakeland’s renewal levy.

We have to admit we are a bit perplexed by Commissioner Hamercheck’s endorsement of a Community College that has failed to remain relevant. In our opinion, Commissioner Hamercheck lost his perspective on what is the best interest of the Lake County taxpayers. He purports to be a fiscally strong, no nonsense, ultra conservative titan.

Regrettably, his “feel good”, “squishy” reasons for supporting the college is more in line with a far left, tax and spend liberal.

What makes Commissioner Hamercheck believe that anything will change at Lakeland with the current leadership and Board members?

To paraphrase a well known poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer:

Oh, somewhere in Lake County the sun is setting;
Somewhere a band is playing a funeral dirge, and somewhere hearts are torn,
And somewhere seniors are crying, and somewhere children are forlorn; for

“There is no joy in Lake County, for the mighty Commissioner John Hamercheck has struck out!”


Categories: Lake, Lakeland Community College, Ohio Counties, Uncategorized


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