Willoughby – Eastlake School Officials… Deceiving the Taxpayers?

LFC Comments: We are exposing the incompetency of Willoughby-Eastlake School District’s Superintendent and Treasurer during the November 15, 2021 School Board Meeting.

They were discussing the Triennial Update and stated unequivocally that there will be no increases in property taxes because of the revaluation of the residential property values.

That is a totally incorrect statement.

They are either ignorant of property taxes, or they choose to deceive the taxpayers in their school district.

We cut out the portion of the meeting that dealt strictly with the property tax issue.

They are explaining the outside millage levies, and have totally missed the fact that they have a 4.8 mill tax levy on the inside millage. The inside millage is not subject to H.B. 920, and therefore, will automatically result in increased tax revenue to the school. The Lake County Auditor’s office estimates that the Triennial Revaluation will result in an additional $1 MILLION in additional annual tax revenue for the School District because of the 4.8 mill inside millage.

Here is the Schedule A from the Auditor’s office that lists the tax levies for the current year 2020 / 2021.

Here is our schedule comparing the assessed values for the Willoughby – Eastlake School Districts for the 2019 / 2020, 2020 / 2021, 2021 / 2022 as a result of the Triennial Update. The School’s Treasurer mentions a projected 16% increase in the residential values, however, the actual increase was 18.38%!

To the taxpayers in the Willoughby-Eastlake School District, it is time to let your school officials know that you know that they were not totally truthful with you.



Categories: Eastlake, Education, Lake County Cities & Townships, Uncategorized, Willoughby, Willoughby Hills

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