Mentor School Board Versus Lake County Commissioners…MOL weighs in

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist, A Watchman on the Wall

In the following video, the Mentor School Board member, Virginia Jeschelnig, states that, in her opinion, the book by Toni Morrison, “The Bluest Eye” is not obscene. I informed the Lake County Commissioners about our initiative to remove pornographic books from Mentor and all Lake County school districts because, in our opinion, they violate the Ohio Revised Code Section 2907.321. Commissioners John Hamercheck and John Plecnik expressed, very clearly in the video, their opinions on the book.

Commissioner Rich Regovich choose, for some reason, to not engage in this issue.

Unfortunately, the Lake County Prosecutor’s office is also “missing in action” on this issue.

Here is a previous article we wrote on this subject:


Latest from Mentor-on-the-Lake:

I just received a telephone call today from the Mentor-on-the-Lake Police Department. Lieutenant Forsythe explained that since they only have Lake Elementary in their city, and the book, “The Bluest Eye”, is not in that school, there is nothing to investigate.

I asked if they would protect the children in their city that attend Mentor High School. He clearly stated that they have no jurisdiction with what happens outside of their city.

Therefore, that indicates to us that it is up to the Mentor Police Department to investigate what is happening in Mentor High School. We thank Lieutenant Forsythe for being transparent with us and his community.

Let’s see who in Mentor will protect the children.

It seems that the Lake County Prosecutor, Charles Coulson, has checked out, and is not being transparent with the citizens of Lake County on this important issue. So sad! He is an elected official who, very rarely, is challenged at election time. Did you ever wonder why?





Categories: Lake, Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Mentor, Uncategorized


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