NOACA…Are They Paying Too Much in Salaries?

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We received the following information about NOACA’s (Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency) recent organizational meeting on Friday, January 5, 2024.

NOACA is a federally mandated Metropolitan Planning Organization that was originally designed to handle the infrastructure in Northern Ohio, but has morphed into a leftist climate change monster. They support 15 minute cities, and basically want to change our way of life by replacing automobiles with public transportation. The Lake County Commissioners support NOACA, but we must respectfully disagree with them.

Meeting Packet – This is a 118 page document. However, starting on page 23 they discuss a pay increase for the Executive Director that has some interesting dialogue between Commissioner Plecnik, Commissioner Hamercheck Lake County Engineer Jim Giles, and Laketran’s Ben Capelle.

Resolution 2023-061: Executive Director & CEO Contract Extension

“Commissioner Hamercheck stated that the base pay of $291,679 was at the bottom of the pay scale for Director Gallucci’s male counterparts. The Executive Committee was trying to correct some issues from the past. He noted that there is a problem when men make more than women. Director Gallucci has finally made it to the bottom of the list. He noted that 5% was in the interest of openness and transparency and a reflection of being able to support the other staff members.”

“Mr. Gills stated that NOACA is a quasi-public agency and the Board is that legislative group that should probably follow the legislative activities of the rest of the state and country. People who come into public service know that they are not going to be paid what they are worth or what the job is worth, but they are going to do the best possible job because they are dedicated to the public. After all, that is what people have decided to do and want to do. Mr. Gills reiterated that he could not support a 5% raise.”

“Commissioner Hamercheck stated that Director Gallucci does not take medical insurance, which is a saving to the organization. She does not receive a PERS pick up, which is a savings to the organization. She does not have a motor vehicle, which is a savings to the organization. Commissioner Hamercheck stated that both sides need to be looked at. Commissioner Hamercheck said he hoped that his explanation earned Mr. Gills’ support.”

“Mr. Gills said no; it did not because the things that Commissioner Hamercheck listed were optional. Mr. Gills asked if the rest of the employees in the organization get medical insurance.”

“Commissioner Hamercheck said yes.”

“Mr. Gills asked if NOACA employees have a car available, if necessary.”

“Director Gallucci said no.”

“Mr. Gills said he did not think that the comments made by Commissioner Hamercheck were a good rationale.”

“Commissioner Plecnik stated that Mr. Gills asked a specific question as to whether raises were one time or annual. Commissioner Plecnik stated that Section 3a of the proposed draft contract states “With annual increases of 3%.” He said he wanted to make sure that everyone was discussing the same contract.”

The Board voted 23 to 14 to postpone Resolution 2023-061 until January 2024.


2024 Board of Directors for NOACA – Lake County Representatives

Lake County
(1) County Commissioner – John R. Hamercheck
Alternate: Matt Armand, Director of Administration, Lake County Department of Utilities
(2) County Commissioner – Richard Regovich
Alternate: Morgan McIntosh, Concord Trustee
(3) County Commissioner – John Plecnik
Alternate: Robert A. Fiala, Mayor, City of Willoughby
(4) County Engineer – James R. Gills, P.E., P.S.
Alternate: Traci Salkiewicz, P.E., Chief Deputy Engineer
(5) Laketran – Ben Capelle, Chief Executive Officer
Alternate: Brian J. Falkowski, President, Laketran Board of Trustees


Congratulations to Lake County Commissioner John Hamercheck for the recognition he earned as Lake County’s representative on the NOACA Board since 2017, Vice-President in 2020-2021 and President in 2022 – 2023.


Meet NOACA’s new President:

Meeting Calendar


Categories: Lake County - General, Uncategorized


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