Why We Need Bernie Moreno for the U.S. Senate

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

We received the following message from a Lake County resident.

Why We Need Bernie Moreno for the U.S. Senate

Putting everything on the line, Bernie Moreno steps up to defend freedom and our U.S. Constitution.

He is in this for Ohio. He is in this for his posterity and ours.

Slick political “scientists” like Sherrod Brown, Biden and Harris, have just about ruined the land of the free and the home of the brave. We see it; we know it, and Bernie Moreno knows it too.

Brown, Biden and Harris are covert and clever political socialists pushing an extreme, aggressive, progressive agenda that has seriously weakened America. They consistently strengthen the unaccountable, unelected, bureaucratic, heavy-handed federal government; giving it immense powers over us all, something our forefathers warned us about.

FACT: With borders cast wide open by the three incompetents, drugs poured in, and in one year alone from June 22 to June23 the overdose death rate (per CDC) soared to 111,877! We have effectively been under a foreign initiated chemical weapons attack killing massive amounts of people.

What has Sherrod, Joe and Kamala done while this hurricane of mayhem, violence, and death hit America? They simply continue to bloviate, shuffle paper and hide behind aviator glasses; all three falling down on the job of protecting our families, friends and futures. Why is this not treason?

FACT: In a delusional fog, Brown, Biden and Harris didn’t notice the invasion of 11-20 MILLION illegal aliens crossing our border. Could they become a STANDING ARMY? Have the 3 thought out this? NO! They only see new voters who will vote for them because Americans don’t vote for leftists socialists.

Kamala, Brown and Biden are driving America towards dangerous uncontrollable totalitarian, bureaucratic socialism; Bernie Moreno will stop that nonsense.

They have bankrupted America by overspending; Bernie Moreno will stop the bankruptcy of our kids’ future.

FACT: Our God given rights are being blunted and stripped away; Bernie Moreno will stop that trend.

Brown, Biden and Kamala nullified parental rights by endorsing the permanent mutilation of children with puberty blockers and surgery; obviously so very wrong. Bernie Moreno will stop the alarming slide into chaos and lifelong harm being inflicted on the young and the innocent.

These three also jeopardize our choice to drive what we want, when we want and where we want. And know this: Their Green New Scam conveniently “ignores all solar activity”**, blaming climate change on a prosperous America, FACT: The sun far more affects our climate that do our cows and our cars!

** Source: CERES-Science.com Dr. Willie Soon



Categories: Community Activism, Contributors, Uncategorized


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