A History Lesson From the Lake County Recorder

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall, Populist

Becky Lynch, Lake County Recorder

Watch and listen as Becky provides us with a history lesson about Lake County.

We reached out to Becky Lynch, the Lake County Recorder, to ask if she wouldn’t mind giving us a tour of the Recorder’s office so that Lake County residents can learn about the duties and responsibilities of her office. What we experienced was a fascinating history lesson about Lake County.

Do you know when Lake County was established? When were the current 88 counties finally established? What was the Northwest Territory? What was the name of the first county established in Ohio? How was land divided to be sold to average citizens?

We guarantee you will learn something new about your County.

Becky gives back to the children in our community by recreating Betsy Ross at Mentor resident Linda O’Brien’s Liberty Camp.

Thanks to Becky Lynch for serving the citizens of Lake County with her amazing talent and dedication!

Categories: Community Activism, Lake, Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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