
Unholy Treachery in the Catholic Church

“…for federally funded Catholic Charities and Biden officials to work together to undermine our borders and open our doors to hordes of maskless COVID-19-carrying trespassers flouting our laws—as we citizens suffer under unceasing pandemic oppression—is unholy treachery.”

Jan. 6 was a False Flag

Pelosi’s Jan 6 set-up had two political objectives–both achieved. First, to stop the lawful challenge to the 2020 election certification, and second to label Trump supporters ”domestic terrorists.” This move refocused attention away from the election malfeasance, and was done… Read More ›

CRT…no diversity of thought allowed

After World War II, a man named Richard Bernstein spread Critical Theory to many  elite Universities throughout the United States. And in the 1970’s, a black professor  at Harvard University named Derrick Bell morphed Critical Theory into Critical Race Theory 
to further push the Marxist ideology under a different framework.