Commissioners have total confidence in Board of Elections and new voting machines

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Director

The Lake County Commissioners have approved the purchase of new voting machines and software from Election System and Software (ES&S). The purchase price is $2.8 million with the Lake County taxpayers paying ~$987,000 of that the total price. The balance will be paid by State and Federal funds.

On the morning of May 27, 2021, a source sent us a document from American Foundation for Civil Liberties & Freedom. ( We have copied several pages of the document that deal with ES&S voting machines.

Since the Commissioners’ meeting was to be held on that day, I decided to make the Commissioners aware of the offer from the American Foundation. Their offer is to provide, free of charge, the services of forensic experts to conduct a forensic audit of the Lake County voting machines.

The forensic audit of Michigan voting machines, both Dominion and ES&S, have been found that both vendors utilize wireless technology. The model DS200 (the new model purchased by Lake County Board of Elections) was found to have an internal wireless card, that has a private network address that was designed to communicate with and ES&S Primary Host Server.

“The manufacturer of the wireless 4G card used in the ES&S DS200 is a company named Telit. Telit is an internet of things company that has recently taken major investment from a Chinese investment fund that has ties to the Chinese Communist Party according to UK media reporting.”

“The DS200 machine was found to have a wireless 4G modem installed internally within the enclosure of the machine.”

The Commissioners were not phased by my presentation and approved the return of some of the old voting machines, and have total confidence in the new machine with no need to utilize the free service offered by the American Foundation for Civil Liberties and Freedom.




Categories: Lake, Ohio Counties


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