Correction on Geauga Health Director Article

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, LFC Director:

We had published an article by regarding the dismissal of the Geauga Health Director, and we have received two emails correcting the content.

We decided to pull the article since we need to be 100% accurate in the reporting.

We had previously issued the following correction by Chris Alusheff:

Chris Alusheff, expressing his shock that Geauga Health Department monthly meetings are so woefully attended by the community, as revealed by his reading of the minutes, appeared to express his intention of being a member of the Geauga County Advisory Council: “I’m going to be on the Advisory Council.” [corrections made at the request of Mr. Alusheff]

[The health district advisory council is made up of one elected representative from each municipality in the county (I am an Aquilla village councilman), and is the body that appoints the actual board of health members. (addition by Mr. Alusheff)]


Here is the requested changes by Jonathan Tiber, Claridon Township Trustee.

Below is what was reported (light italic) followed by the corrections (bold font);

Claypool was not the only township trustee to testify. Chester Trustee Ken Radtke and Claridon Trustee Jonathan Tiber….Burton Township Trustee, Jarred Miller also spoke. He was the first speaker at the podium.

Claridon Trustee Jonathan Tiber stood up to criticize Health Director Quade’s lack of sensitivity to Geauga residents. Tiber reported Quade as a poor fit for the appointed position and to be “unable to impartially serve.”When I spoke in front of the board, I made it perfectly clear I was speaking on behalf of the Claridon residents who reached out to me and petitioned me to do so. I included the 3 residents who reached out to me in support of Mr. Quade. I did not represent myself.

By 7:30 Board Chairman Piraino announced executive session without stating the reason. That action invoked the anger of trustees Claypool and Tiber. I was absolutely NOT angry that the board did not state the reason for Executive Session. In fact, I was not even aware that they didn’t mention the reason until I read your article. I was not angry at any time during that meeting.

Thank you in advance for the correcting your page. I can imagine it may be challenging at times to achieve absolute accurately when reporting on such a meeting.  

Jonathan Tiber
Claridon Township Trustee


Categories: Ohio Counties, Uncategorized

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