Want to learn about the Ohio Constitution?

The first meeting of the Ohio Constitution Study Group will be meeting On Thursday December 9th. There is no cost to join this study group. Here is the info flyer for this Study group.

I want to be clear for Geauga County folks that signed up for the Federal Constitution Course: The Fed Constitution Course will begin in January. I will be sending out the specifics on that next week.

The Ohio Constitution Study Group location is at the Claridon Administrative Building. The facility can easily hold 40+ in a chair only configuration. We will not have tables set up as with the Federal Constitution Course.

I am looking to keep this Study Group to around 30 to 40 participants so that everyone can engage in the conversation.

I would like early signups by replying to this email address:


See you all on December 9th!

Tom Niewulis



Tom Niewulis – Constitutional Scholar

Categories: Community Activism


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