Mike DeWine…you’re fired!
Written by: Brian Lui / April 24, 2022
As thoughtful voters we have responsibilities beyond showing up on Election Day. Knowing our values and what is important to us. Being aware of the things we do and do not want legislated and made law. Researching candidates that we think will best represent and uphold those values. It can be difficult to make an informed decision on who to cast a vote for. Sometimes the easiest research is to simply not forget what happened in our state 26 months ago.
On March 22nd, 2020 Governor Mike DeWine through Amy Acton declared: “Non-essential business and operations must cease.” Citizens of the state were led to believe there were now two classes of people. Those worthy of being able to make a living, “essential” workers and those not worthy, “non-essential” as declared by DeWine. The governor’s unilateral order “…may be enforced by State and local law enforcement to the extent set forth in Ohio law.” There was a list of “Prohibited activities…including, not not limited to,…zoos,…fairs, children’s play centers, playgrounds,…country clubs,…” It was like the scene from an apocalypse movie the morning of March 23rd, 2020. Roads were deserted, nothing was open, things had come to a grinding halt. Through fear tactics and dishonesty, Mike DeWine and his band of accomplices had scared and bullied people into stopping their lives.
There were many consequences of his actions. The least of which were Lt. Governor Jon Husted and state attorney general Dave Yost showing their true colors by unifying lock step with DeWine and his actions. They vowed to use the full power of the state to enforce these orders. One action was to bolster the Ohio Investigative Unit and seek out restaurants not abiding by the “orders” and punish them via their liquor licenses. He thrust hundreds of thousands of Ohioans into an out dated and ill prepared unemployment system. For many it became a full time job trying to file an unemployment claim.
We’ll never know the full, far reaching consequences of DeWIne’s unilateral action in March of 2020. Some jobs would never come back. Small, sole proprietor businesses that would never be able to reopen. People forced into financial strife due to the combination of DeWine’s action paired with the overwhelmed and outdated unemployment system. Children and young adults that would lose out or rights of passage such as, graduations, dances, high school sports competitions that could have let to college scholarships.
We will never be able to put a number on the opportunities that were lost, missed and shattered by DeWine’s actions. We lived through seeing so many thrust into despair. People died alone, unable to be visited by their family and loved ones during their last moments. I hope these events are not forgotten. On May 3rd we have our first opportunity to fire Mike DeWine. I hope it’s the only one we need to use.
Categories: Contributors, Free Speech Zone, Lake County Politics