Gia D’Amato for California State Assembly District 52

Dear Patriot Warriors, never forget that America is a Constitutional Republic!


As I write to you, I always choose my words carefully. This week they are someone else’s words but so well said that I am sending them to you with quotes.  Please take the time to read it.  

“In 1775 after Lexington, Concord, and the Siege of Boston there was a buzz in America, and a lot of talk of the regular citizens rising and taking this land from the tyrants who ruled over it.

They were confident! People rose everywhere, they became leaders, and many were all in. They were going to take this land and there was nothing they could do about it! It was as simple as that!

They met in Philadelphia and made Washington their Commander in Chief, they declared their Independence and rejoiced! Everything felt great and comfortable; to the normal citizens, I am sure Washington, and his men knew better.

Come August of 1776 the British smashed into Washington’s army in Brooklyn, chased them for months, beating them all the way up through Manhattan and by October they were beaten again in Westchester. The Continental Army had barely made it over to New Jersey where they were pursued and taken down yet again for several more months, until they finally made it over the Delaware and on to Pennsylvania.

Think about this; the Army was half destroyed, his people were quitting, it was clearly over, and the morale was nonexistent. By this point the people were crushed and pointing the finger angrily at those who led them, including Washington and this was Mid December 1776.

This is where we are now!

For us, in the beginning it was exciting, we were hitting them hard and every day, ripping the veil off, exposing their seedy underworld and the inner workings of their evil tyrannical apparatus. There was a buzz in America, plenty of talk of average citizens rising to take this land from the tyrants who were stripping it to ruins.

We Americans were Confident! People rose to the occasion and fought, many of our comrades became leaders, and plenty more signed up and eagerly all in. We were taking this land and there was nothing the current establishment could do! We were declaring the destruction of the old guard! Again, it was as simple as that!

Everything felt good and cozy to the average citizens but we, who know this fight to be evil filth, knew better and in January of 2020, they hit us with a p(l)andemic, a literal bioweapon and smashed us with it for months, taking our jobs, forcing lockdowns, masking our identities and by June there was rioting in the streets of every city, the evildoers torching our neighborhoods and smashing them to bits. In November they stole the election from We the People and throughout 2021 worked to cripple us with inflation.

Our movement has been hurt, people have been quitting and walking away because to them it is over. The morale for many is null, and these folks are beaten down and pointing the finger angrily at one another and to those who said they had a plan, including me.

I am not saying I know how this is going to end, but it was at that low moment when Thomas Paine Wrote His Classic, “American Crisis”, about the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot. On December 25, 1776, with people quitting and turning on each other, Washington took those who remained and crossed the Delaware, they marched through ice and snow to Trenton where they destroyed the Hessians, then to Princeton where they beat back the British and breathed new life into their movement! It took years of fighting after that, but they won! And created the Greatest Nation in the history of the world!

People didn’t realize how close they were to it all being over and the same is happening again today. People are getting complacent and don’t realize how close we are to losing our great nation forever.

I don’t know what our Washington crossing the Delaware moment will be, but I can assure you that this is not over. These are the dog days. It will be hard and often too hard for many.

I wanted this to be over by now too. I wanted to beat them at the battle of Brooklyn and be done with it. They hit back, yet we still stand! We made it to Pennsylvania (using The Constitution as a force to regain our nation) now is the time to take Trenton! (And the Midterms for sure!) to take Princeton! Monmouth! Saratoga! Cowpens!! We took their best and survived and we will not stop until we get what is rightfully ours. America, the land of the free.

Now is not the time to lose hope or to turn on one another, If you are pissed that is understandable! I am pissed too! Use that anger to save our liberties. Do not take it out on your fellow Patriots but focus that anger on the lies and on the liberal threads using The Constitution as a rightful guide. Be calm, stay cool and hold your composure. No need to argue, simply be polite and DESTROY whatever poisonous evil narrative they are pedaling with The Constitution, (which holds truth in every single word) and then walk away.

If we all start doing this it will be a devastating blow to the evil, we the good are fighting. But now is not the time to give up. It is NOW or NEVER.

These next few years will determine the entire course of our existence.

When we win, and we will, we will be living in the Greatest Country the world has ever seen.

Now! We go out and expose them. We relearn and memorize The Constitution and then swarm the internet with factual, constitutional information that is undeniable to even the smuggest liberal! Because this battle is for the minds of the American people and once the Deep State loses their base, they will most assuredly lose the war.

We battle with truth and honorable hearts. They battle with corruption, treason, and confusion. We battle with the truth in The Constitution and the light will always defeat the darkness.

 Where We Go 1, We Go All” Let’s do this California – for God and Country!

Oorah!Gia D’Amato, 
Candidate for State Assembly, District 52
Founding Former President, Greater Pasadena Republican Assembly
Founder, Silent No More

Join me for the candidates’ forum Wednesday night. The GBRA (Glendale Burbank La Crescenta Republican Assembly) will be endorsing my candidacy. 

Be sure to RSVP: Armenian Genocide commemoration and Candidates Forum Wednesday April 27 – Glendale Burbank/Crescenta Valley Republican Assembly (

I can’t say enough about my precious church and Pastor Iron Eagle. Join me on a Friday night and/or Sunday morning. You will see what it means to be Set Free!

Team Gia is joining forces with The Old Veterans Guard to bring awareness to the atrocities being committed against our combat veterans. This is a travesty, and we can no longer just stand by. They fought for us, and we WILL fight for them.  

Team Gia is the definition of grassroots. Our campaign has ZERO dirty, evil-buying money, (which we will never have). This is why without your support; my efforts are limited. I have been and will continue to fight harder than any other candidate in District 52 to bring representation back to Sacramento. Look at the cost of your next cup of coffee and consider matching that here. You will see the fruit of your contribution unfold as June 7th approaches and beyond. Be part of the winning team!

By becoming a monthly donation club member, you will be entered into our monthly drawing of local business gift cards and goodies. 

Your support is invaluable!  Thank you!
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I can’t say enough about my precious church and Pastor Iron Eagle. Join me on a Friday night and/or Sunday morning. You will see what it means to be Set Free!

Team Gia is joining forces with The Old Veterans Guard to bring awareness to the atrocities being committed against our combat veterans. This is a travesty, and we can no longer just stand by. They fought for us, and we WILL fight for them. 


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