Operation Green Light Comes to Lake County

Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist

The National Association of Counties’ President, Denise Winfrey, appointed the Lake County Recorder Becky Lynch to their Veterans and Military Services committee. Becky brought the GREEN LIGHT FOR VETERANS project to the attention of the Lake County Commissioners.

All three Commissioners, being strong advocate of Veterans Services, issued the following press release supporting the project and the local veterans.

In the following video, starting at the 6:50 mark of the Commissioners’ meeting, Commissioner Plecnik reads the entire resolution about Operation Green Light.

At the 9:44 mark Becky Lynch introduces the Executive Director of the Lake County Veterans Affairs Office, Jon Warmeling. Mr. Warmeling tells the Commissioners and the County about the role of the local Veterans Affairs Office.

Contact Information:

Lake County Veterans Service Office
Lake County Admin. Bldg., 105 Main St., Box 490, Painesville, OH 44077

Phone: (440) 350-2567

Fax: (440) 350-5980



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Categories: Lake County - General, Lake County Politics, Uncategorized


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