We are ramping up our challenge to protect children from obscene material

By Brian Massie, Citizen Journalist, A Watchman on the Wall

We decided to ramp up our challenge against the Mentor School District for violating Ohio Revised Code Section 2907.321 “Pandering Obscenity to Minors” for having the Toni Morrison book entitled “The Bluest Eye” available to the children.

We have sent the following letters to the State of Ohio Attorney General, State Senator Jerry Cirino, State Representative Daniel Troy, and State Representative Jamie Callender.

Let us see which local or state official steps up to protect the children of Lake County and the State of Ohio.

We will be sure to let our readers know which official is up to the task. It is important to us to know who we can count on, or are we all just living in an illusion of safety and morality.

The only solution may be to stop voting for any more school levies. I mean ALL levies, be they renewals or new levies. Stopping the revenue stream may be the only way to tell these educators that we have had enough with their failing schools and grooming of the children. We cannot let them price us out of our homes while they groom and indoctrinate the children to a perverse lifestyle with our tax dollars.

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The following letter was sent to Senator Cirino, Representative Troy and Representative Callender:




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