Lakeland Community College Diversity Committee Meeting October 19 at 5:30 pm

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

CORNERSTONE definition: “an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based.”

Let’s not forget the cornerstone of Lakeland Community College – D.I.E. Please remember that taxpayers pay $19 million per year in property tax supporting this “cornerstone”. Questioning that cornerstone is not accepted at LCC!

(So much for diversity of thought, or including everyone at LCC! They need to produce good little Marxists while taxing us out of our homes!)

The next meeting of the special committee of the Lakeland Board of Trustees to review “diversity, “inclusion,” and “equity” language will be Thursday, October 19th at 5:30. The actual room has yet to be announced.

The Board of Trustees will be hearing from the college’s Diversity Committee, and the reasons why they have decided that we need our students to complete the following “Race and Ethnicity Survey.”

An earlier message from Mr. Morris Beverage, LCC President stated:

“Last spring, Lakeland Community College participated in the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE). This October, in collaboration with the Diversity Committee, Lakeland will administer the Race and Ethnicity survey, a companion survey provided by the Center for Community College Student Engagement, as a part of CCSSE.

“The Race and Ethnicity survey will be administered online to all eligible students at Lakeland Community College. Eligible students are students enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the fall 2023 census date but does not include students under the age of 18 or participants in the College Credit Plus program. The survey opens Tuesday, October 3, and the final date for students to participate is Friday, October 27, 2023.”

“Students can access the survey link via the Race and Ethnicity Survey course in Blackboard as well as through invitations sent to their Lakeland Student email. To access the survey, students will be instructed to enter the word “Lakeland”.”

“The aggregate results will be provided to Lakeland in March of 2023 and will be made available to the campus community later in the spring semester.”


It is unclear if the survey ever made it to the student body. The administration is seeking the input of the special DEI committee of the Board of Trustees. We will try to record the meeting on October 19th for our readers.


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