Commissioner John Hamercheck on Issue 1

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Lake County Commissioner John Hamercheck was in the Lobbyists for Citizens’ studio on Tuesday, October 24th to be part of the discussion by leading local Republican leaders on how the average citizen can overcome the Fake News industry that has grown in our society, and is indoctrinating the minds of many Americans.

The discussion led us into the issues on the November 7th ballot. Thanks to Joe Miller of Ohio Political News Buckeye Patriots for this short clip on Issue 1 that clearly states Commissioner Hamercheck’s admirable stance on Issue 1.

We thank Commissioner Hamercheck for having the courage to stand resolutely for his convictions on our continued fight against evil.

Here is a previous article we wrote about Sarah Hamercheck and Commissioner Hamercheck asking for citizens to vote NO on issue 1.


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