He Can’t Afford to Live in His Home Because of Property Taxes

By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall

Thanks to our Painesville patriot for sending us this video.


Meet Kurt, a 68-year-old Montanan who still works just to pay Greg Gianforte’s soaring property taxes on the home where he raised his children. His story is a stark reminder that the very people who built our communities are being priced out of them. We need policies that prioritize Montana’s hardworking families, not just the wealthy few, and I’ll do exactly that, by lowering the tax rate and making sure big corporations don’t get off the hook. Let’s ensure our state remains a great place to live, not just to visit, and not just for billionaires like Gianforte. It’s time to #GetYourMontanaBack #Fyp #Montana #ryanbusseforgovernor

♬ original sound – Ryan Busse

Categories: Community Activism, Contributors


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