By Brian Massie, A Watchman on the Wall
At the last Commissioners’ meeting the Lake County ADAMHS Board was recognized by proclaiming May 2024 as Mental Health Awareness Month in Lake County. In addition, the Commissioners approved the placement of a .9 mill renewal levy (currently collected at .689 mills because of the impact of HB 920) on the November ballot.
We have tried to document the event for our readers.
Press Release Submitted by David Schick, Director of Marketing and Communications:
May is Mental Health Month
We live in a rapidly changing world that can be complex to navigate. About half of Americans can remember a time when we were not constantly connected and it was easier to tune out the noise of the world, while the younger half of the population can’t imagine life without the internet.
Modern life can have a significant impact on mental health — for better or for worse. The disturbing imagery in the media we are exposed to today can be deeply unsettling. At the same time, our current technology also allows us to mobilize and provide collective support more efficiently in times of natural disasters or injustice.
Ironically, while our devices make us more connected than ever, loneliness is an increasingly serious public health concern. We are now able to have conversations with friends and family on the other side of the world in real time. However, constant connection also means that we will know if we weren’t invited to a friend’s party down the street. Recent survey data show that more than half of U.S. adults (58%) are lonely.
Finding a sense of calm and focusing on well-being when you are having mental health concerns can be daunting in our fast-paced society. It can be especially challenging to know where to start.
May is Mental Health Month and the Lake County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board is raising awareness of the important role mental health plays in our lives. We are encouraging members of the community to take action toward protecting their mental health and overall well-being.
Executive Director Kim Fraser responded to our request for more information.
Thanks for reaching out. We actually currently invest in 16 agencies and over 90 different services. A list of our provider organizations is below, along with a very brief description of services provided; any help you can provide in sharing the network of services and support with your readers is appreciated. Lake ADAMHS funds are used exclusively to serve residents of Lake County. In cases like Womensafe and Family Pride, where the agency headquarters is located outside the county, please know that Lake ADAMHS funds are only used for service reimbursement when the county of residence is verified as Lake.
Bridges: Mental Health Consumer Empowerment
- Drop In center, education and socialization
Catholic Charities
- Mental health services for individuals and families
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center
- Services and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault
Crossroads Health
- Mental health and substance use disorder services
- Serving all ages
Extended Housing
- Housing services and supports for individuals/families with mental illness and substance use disorders
Family Pride
- Mental health services for home-bound seniors
Fine Art Association
- Certified creative art therapies for individuals engaged in primary behavioral health services within the Lake ADAMHS network of providers
Lake-Geauga Recovery Centers
- Substance use disorder services and supports for adults
- Information and referral
- Specialized programs including kinship navigator, guardianship, reentry
NAMI Lake County
- Support services for individuals with mental illness and their families
Northcoast Behavioral Healthcare
- Residential treatment for adults with mental illness
Signature Health
- Mental health and substance use disorder services
- Serving all ages
Torchlight Youth Mentoring
- Mentoring services for at risk youth
UH/Lake Health
- Emergency department based 24/7 crisis intervention services
Windsor-Laurelwood Hospital
- Inpatient mental health care for youth and adults
- Inpatient substance use services for adults
- Services and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence and their children
The best way for someone to access services and supports in the Lake ADAMHS network is by calling our Compass Line at 440-350-2000; a trained navigation specialist is available Monday through Friday, 8:30-4:00, to help individuals get connected with the right services and supports.
We thank Kim Fraser for her transparency with the people of Lake County.
Categories: Lake, Lake County - General, Uncategorized