Young Authors Wanted

LFC Comments by Brian Massie, Lake County resident

We are extremely concerned about the impact that the Covid-19 lockdown, mask mandates, and forced isolation is currently having on our nation’s children. There probably will be issues that may not be obvious for many years.

Unfortunately, we are reading and hearing about increased destructive behavior in our communities:

  • Unemployment is creating food shortages for children
  • Increase in domestic abuse
  • Increase in divorces
  • Lower grades from only on-line classes
  • Feeling of loneliness because of not attending school and having friends
  • Lack of students’ motivation because of cut back in school sports
  • Increase in drug and alcohol abuse
  • Increase in deaths because of fentanyl readily available on our streets
  • Increase in suicides because of the feeling of hopelessness

There are many fine organizations in Lake County, Ohio that have professionals to deal with the problems as they arise. However, we need to have our elected officials address the lockdowns and mask mandates with Governor DeWine.

LFC would like to offer some help to any children, regardless of age, in dealing with the stress that they must surely feel in today’s world. Here is a link to a website that illustrates how children can use writing to help manage their stress brought on by the Covid-119 virus that has negatively impacted their world.


Excerpt from the article:

Being a teenager in today’s world comes with the same stresses teens have always faced plus a wide range of new stresses their parents and grandparents never faced.  According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, teens are stressed because of academic demands, high expectations, jam-packed schedules, safety concerns, family problems, peer relationships, and financial instability.  Because stress can come from every area of their lives, teens can easily become overwhelmed and many do not have the tools they need to manage that stress on their own.”

“Writing isn’t a perfect fit for every teen, but for many it can be a core stress management strategy.  Writing for a certain amount of time everyday can help keep stress from building up and overwhelming them.”

LFC is offering all children regardless of age the ability to write about any topic that interests or concerns them, and have it published on our website under our “Young Authors” category.

They may use their real names and addresses, or fictitious ones, and they can write as many articles as they want.

If interested, please send an email with the article attached to


Categories: Lake, Local News, Uncategorized


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