Concord Trustees…Commissioners…Visitors Bureau…oh my…

Wading Through the Swamp

Written by Brian Massie, Concord resident
May 21, 2001

We were quite puzzled by the three Concord Trustees not finding a problem with a Non-Profit receiving $1 million annually in taxpayer funds, and not being accountable to anyone, or transparent with the expenditures of the funds. Their permissive attitude with the taxpayers’ money is quite disturbing, and Concord residents will do well to remember their stance on this issue.

Of course, when two of the sources used by the Trustees were the attorney for the Visitors Bureau (Jeff Ruple) and their Board President (Amy Sabath), we wonder how objective they really were.

Here is the article we wrote explanation our contact with the Concord Trustees asking for their support.

As a follow up to Mr. Morgan McIntosh’s response to us, and in order to verify our statements to some very skeptical Lake County residents about our claims, we spoke at the Lake County Commissioners’ meeting on 5/20/21. It was our goal to try to set the record straight that the Visitors Bureau receives over $1 MILLION from taxpayers, and is accountable to no one. TRANSPARENCY is a vital key for good governance!

Please note that the three Commissioners and the Assistant Law Director agree with us on the need for transparency. Commissioner Plecnik also stated that, in his opinion, the Visitors Bureau is a public body, therefore, subject to the Ohio’s Sunshine Laws.

“For nothing is concealed that will not become evident, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17 (NASB)

A “heads up” to Mr. Andrew Rose, Concord Administrator, we will be sending you a records request for the minutes of the meeting held by the three Trustees to discuss our request for support. Mr. McIntosh was asked by the others to respond to us and we, therefore, assume that there were minutes taken at the public meeting.




Categories: Concord, Lake, Lake County Cities & Townships, Local News


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