WOKE Horrors of Massive Omnibus Plunder

Linda Goudsmit 12/31/22

goudsmit.pundicity.com  and website: lindagoudsmit.com 

This is how the Biden regime and its dirty corrupt Congressional Democrats legally destroy America, with the help of the dirty corrupt Congressional RINOs. The coordinated and massive corruption is prelude to the totalitarian managerial state, where Congress will cease to exist because the United States of America will cease to exist as a constitutional republic. The globalist war on America will be won, and the USA will be absorbed into the globalist planetary Unistate through the auspices of the lethally corrupt United Nations.

This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the conclusion of a 100-year-old conspiracy to destroy the United States of America from within. Globalism v. Nationalism is not science fiction, it is real-life war on America. Using asymmetric psychological warfare to change the hearts and minds of Americans, the globalist social engineers weaponized education, medicine, and the media to propaganda and gaslight Americans, particularly the nation’s children. 

Denial is not a survival strategy. Knowledge is power, and unless the American public recognizes the globalist enemy within, the United States of America will lose this war. The country will lose its national sovereignty, and each and every citizen will become a serf in globalism’s feudal managerial state. BUYER BEWARE! Globalism is replacement ideology, it is collectivism on a planetary scale. The American public needs to ask itself if life is better as a serf or a citizen. There are only two choices – serfdom or freedom.





By Pamela Geller – on December 23, 2022

Keep paying those taxes, plebs.

The massive, depraved legislative package, released just days ago, passed the Senate by a 68-29 margin on Thursday afternoon with the help of 18 Republicans – after the November election.

The 18 Republicans who voted for Senate omnibus: Roy Blunt John Boozman Shelley Capito Susan Collins John Cornyn Tom Cotton Lindsey Graham Jim Inhofe Mitch McConnell Jerry Moran Lisa Murkowski Rob Portman Mitt Romney Mike Rounds Richard Shelby John Thune Roger Wicker Todd Young.

The omnibus spending bill is loaded with thousands of earmarks , which are line-item funding for specific pet projects directed by members of Congress. Many of these earmarks would advance the Left’s extreme agenda and fund its institutions using the taxpayer’s money. House Appropriations Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., bragged that the omnibus “fulfills 98% of Democratic member requests in the House, with $5.4 billion for 3,213 Democratic projects.”

The types of woke-waste line items that some Senate Republicans will help fund, unless they change their minds, include these 12 projects:

  1. $1.2 million for “ LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers ” and another $1.2 million for “ support services for DACA recipients ” (aka helping illegal aliens with taxpayer funds) at San Diego Community College.
  2. $477,000for the  Equity Institute  in Rhode Island to indoctrinate teachers with “antiracism virtual labs.”
  3. $1 million for  Zora’s House  in Ohio, a “coworking and community space” for “women and gender-expansive people of color.”
  4. $3 millionfor the  American LGBTQ+ Museum  in New York City.
  5. $3.6 million for a  Michelle Obama Trail  in Georgia.
  6. $750,000 for “ LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming housing ” in Albany, New York.
  7. $2 million for the “ Great Blacks in Wax ” museum in Baltimore.
  8. $856,000 for an “ LGBT Center ” in New York.
  9. $750,000 for the “ TransLatin@ Coalition ” to provide “workforce development programs and supportive services for Transgender and Gender nonconforming and Intersex (TGI) immigrant women in Los Angeles.”
  10. $2 millionfor “ MLK Labor ” in Washington, an affiliate of the AFL-CIO that  expelled Seattle police officers  from union ranks.
  11. $956,000 for “ The Equity Incubator at the Universities at Shady Grove ” in Maryland.
  12. $791,200 for “ equitable energy resilience and EV infrastructure ” in Sonoma, California.

These types of woke projects have no place in the federal budget.
House Republicans could have banned the corrupt practice of earmarking. But the GOP agreed to keep the pork money flowing with a 158-52 vote in November.




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