Social, Emotional Learning….a corrupt scheme of control

Sarah Fowler image

Here is our letter that we sent to Sarah Fowler, our Representative to the State Board of Education – District 7.



May 4, 2019

Ms. Sarah Fowler
Ohio State Board of Education Member – District 7
2952 State Route 45 N
Rock Creek, OH  44084

Subject:  Social, Emotional Learning STANDARDS

Dear Ms. Fowler:

We are writing to you to express our deepest and most profound concerns for the proposed Statewide standards of the Social, Emotional Learning programs about to be thrust upon the children and families in Ohio’s public schools.

It is very obvious that there is an attempt by the State’s elected officials and governmental bureaucrats to interfere, and ultimately usurp the traditional parental roles in our society.  S.E.L. is an evil manipulation of government mandated morality, teaching what the State considers is right and wrong, and replacing individual critical thinking skills with State approved “group think”.

The Common Core curriculum has had severe negative consequences on our education system, and the S.E.L programs are yet another example of the evil that has permeated our public education system.

In addition, we believe that S.E.L. programs will place an undue burden on our teachers that will ultimately negatively impact the traditional scholastic subjects.

We would sincerely hope that the S.E.L. programs are permanently removed from the curriculum of Ohio’s public schools.

Respectfully submitted by,

Brian Massie, President
Lobbyists for Citizens
A 501 c (4) Non-Profit

Categories: Education, Uncategorized


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