Month: March 2022

Who Do You Trust?

“What I understand now is the UN is and always was the brainchild of globalists, and the instrument to facilitate and impose the NWO. Since its inception, the megalomaniacs seeking one-world government have increased their power and influence, and we are currently at the tipping point. “…Linda Goudsmit

It’s Recycled Marxism

“workers were no longer poor enough and desperate enough for Communism to appeal to them. For these ideas to take hold, cultural structures such as religion (Christianity), the family, and traditional values of personal responsibility must be broken down. “…Corey Lee Wilson

Whose Children Are They?

Whose Children Are They?’: Documentary Exposes ‘Corruption’ in U.S. Education System By American Faith / March 14, 2022 “Brave teachers, parents, and frontline experts expose the corruption within the public schools, address indoctrination, educational freedom, union tactics, CRT, and much… Read More ›

Twisted Sister Russia and US

My retort to anyone that says ‘communism is dead’ is – they are naive or they are just plain ignorant of their surroundings or worse, they are responsible for participating in the cultural hegemonic agenda and ideologies of the Twisted Sisters.”…Tom Niewulis